Lots of existing content, but no time to grow your audience?

Lots of existing content, but no time to grow your audience?

So, you are a Thought Leader and have tons of existing content:

  • books
  • videos
  • articles
  • podcasts
  • educational courses

But you are busy leading, not writing Twitter(X),LinkedIn, and Substack posts.

What you need is a Ghostwriter who can repurpose all that content in your voice.

Who do I serve best?

  • Real Estate Investors: I run my own Substack about my journey to building a raw land investment business. So, I am curious to the core about the real estate world.
  • Christian Authors: My background is in theology and I am an avid non-fiction reader. I love converting wisdom and truth into engaging online content.
  • Legacy and Financial Service Providers: Multi-generational wealth building for families is a high priority for me. I know social media is highly regulated for certified financial planners, but it is doable.


What is Ghostwriting?

In its purest form, it's just outsourcing your writing to a writer who has no problem giving you the credit.

We are not talking about ghostwriting a Pulitzer Prize novel.

Blair's kind of ghostwriting

I am basically repurposing your content.

I transcribe one of your podcasts and create a variety of high-value, engaging content on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Substack.

Sharable stuff.

Two reasons the algorithms hate you

1) You don't post consistently enough

Because you have no time.

I do.

2) What you post has low engagement

Posts with no comments, likes, retweets, bookmarks, etc. don't compete.

The algorithms award you with more eyes, if your posts engage.

And consistency + engagement = growth

Goal of Blair's ghostwriting for you

My kind of ghostwriting is about fanning the 🔥flame of content you have already started.

Why Blair?

Faith-motivated Blair

I am a Christian who loves truth and the words that convey it.

  • Bachelor of Science in General Studies (Philosophy/Religion) from Dallas Baptist University
  • Master of Arts in Aspects of Biblical Interpretation from London School of Theology

So, my Christian faith motivates everything I do, especially writing with excellence.

Digital Marketer Blair

Over the last 10 years, I have focused on building online businesses:

  • I built niche websites that trained me in SEO, or how to get to #1 on Google.
  • My wife had an online singing membership site, where I learned email marketing, social media marketing, copywriting, YouTube, basic graphic design, analytics, etc.
  • I ran an Amazon business for 5 years.
  • I have created written content for the clients of branding agencies.

I am basically a Swiss army knife when it comes to the digital world.

Storyteller Blair

Nothing sticks more than a well-told story.

This is why Jesus's parables are easier to remember than Solomon's proverbs.

  • Stories hold our attention.
  • Stories deepen identities.
  • Stories transform lives.

The world needs your stories.

Blair's Plan

1) Free Consultation

We get to know each other.

Talk about our Christian faith.

I fiind out your goals.

Lay out the strategy.

And you point me in the direction of your content.

2) Ghostwriting

I generate a variety of posts in your voice.

You select the posts and we publish them.


3) Your audience grows

Not over night.

But we pay attention to what your adience likes and refine.

What's next?

Let's talk

Free 30-Minute Consultation